About Bernardo
- Alias/Nickname:
- Sex: Male
- Date of birth: N/A N/A,
- Location of birth:
- Birth order:
- Number of siblings:
- Parent’s marital status:
- Father’s occupation:
- Abuse by father?:
- Mother’s occupation:
- Abuse by mother?:
- Traumatic family event:
- Age at traumatic family event:
- Sexual preference:
- Marital status:
- Number of children:
- Lived with children during series?: N/A
- Lived with parents during series?: N/A
- History of substance abuse: N/A
- Had received psychological therapy?:
- Institutionalized for mental illness?:
- Psychological diagnosis:
McDonald Triad
- History of starting fires:
- History of animal abuse:
- History of bed wetting:
- XYY: N/A
- Physically attractive: N/A
- Physical defect: N/A
- Speech defect: N/A
- Head injury: N/A
- Physical abuse: N/A
- Psychological abuse: N/A
- Sexual abuse: N/A
- Parental substance abuse issues: N/A
- Highest grade completed:
- Highest degree achieved:
- Grades at school:
- IQ:
- Military service: N/A
- Attempted career in law enforcement: N/A
- Worked in law enforcement: N/A
- Types of jobs worked:
- Fired from jobs?: N/A
About the Murders
- Murderer category: N/A
- Serial killer sub-type: N/A
- Serial killer characteristics:
- Domestic killer sub-type: N/A
- Committed crimes previous to series?:
- Description of previous crimes:
- Previously convicted of a crime: N/A
- Murder method: N/A
- Characteristics of crime: N/A
- Types of sexual assault: N/A
- Posed body: N/A
- How was body posed?:
- Took body part as trophy: N/A
- Description of body part trophy:
- Took personal item trophy: N/A
- Description of personal item trophy:
- Left exposed at crime scene: N/A
- Hidden at crime scene: N/A
- Buried at crime scene: N/A
- Left exposed in different location: N/A
- Hidden at different location: N/A
- Buried at other location: N/A
- Dismembered:
- Burned: N/A
Early Years
Aug. 27, 1964
Paul Bernardo was born to Kenneth and Marilyn Bernardo, as a result of her affair with a former boyfriend, in Scarborough, Ontario.
May 1975
Bernardo becomes close friends with Van and Steve from his neighbourhood and the three begin to start fires.
June 1980
Bernardo is told by his mother that Kenneth was not his real father. Paul begins calling his mother a slut and whore. She begins to call him a bastard.
Bernardo’s mother becomes withdrawn from the family and lives in the basement
Bernardo’s father begins sexually molesting his sister
Graduated from Sir Wilfred Laurier High School
Fall 1983
Bernardo begins classes at the University of Toronto, Scarborough campus, and tells his friend Van about his “Virgin Farm Fantasy” where he would keep women as sex slaves.
The women Bernardo dates describe him as abusive and controlling.
Bernardo’s father is arrested for peeping in neighbourhood windows.
Summer 1986
Bernardo receives two restraining orders: one from an ex-girlfriend and another from his friend Van’s ex-girlfriend to whom he had been making obscene phone calls.
Bernardo graduates and becomes a junior accountant at Price Waterhouse in Toronto.
The Scarborough Rapist
May 4, 1987
Bernardo rapes a woman as she waits at a bus stop, dragging her at knife point into bushes.
May 14, 1987
Bernardo rapes another woman in front of her house.
July 27, 1987
Bernardo attempts another rape of a woman at a bus stop.
Oct., 1987
Bernardo met Karla Homolka, 17, at a Howard Johnson’s Hotel in Toronto where she was attending a pet convention.
Bernardo and Homolka have sex the first night and he takes her name and number.
Nov. 1987
Bernardo and Karla meet again. Paul drives to see Karla twice a week, and gives her
love and attention as their relationship develops. Eventually, he starts to run every
aspect of her life. He tells her what to wear, how to style her hair, what opinions to
have and what to eat. He calls her fat and ugly. He learns that Karla is not a virgin
and he is upset about this, although he is still very interested in her.
Dec. 16, 1987
Paul commits 3rd rape, age 15, getting off a bus, media coins the name “Scarborough Rapist”
Dec. 23, 1987
Paul commits 4th rape, age 27, stalked and attacked her with a knife
1988 Karla’s friends find handcuffs in her bedroom; Karla reveals that Paul enjoys
“playing games” in bed
March 1988
The Scarborough Rapist Task Force is formed by Metro Police.
April 18, 1988
Paul commits 5th rape, age 19, getting of the bus
May 30, 1988
Paul commits 6th rape, age 18, 10 miles from Scarborough
Oct. 4, 1988
Paul attempts 7th rape, she fought him off, stab wounds on thigh and buttock, 12
Nov. 1, 1988
Bernardo meets a girl named Anna and begins dating her while he is in Toronto, and also continues to see Karla. Paul also begins to become attracted to Karla’s younger sister Tammy. He demands that Tammy not have sex with any guy.
Paul commits 7th rape, age 18, parent’s backyard
Dec. 27, 1988
Paul attempts 8th rape, chased him off by getting neighbour’s attention
June 20, 1989
Paul attempts 8th rape again, she screams for her neighbours, he flees
Aug. 15, 1989
Paul commits 8th rape, age 22, stalked her outside her window
Nov. 21, 1989
Paul commits 9th rape, age 15, at a bus shelter
May 26, 1990
Paul commits 11th rape, age 19, exiting a bus
Nov. 20, 1990
Detectives interview Paul for 35 minutes, Paul gives them hair, saliva, and blood
samples for testing, swears that he isn’t the Scarborough rapist
The Victims

Date of birth:
Date of murder:
Age at death:
Sex: Male
Location of murder:
Relationship to killer:
Original location of interaction with killer:
Cause of death: N/A
Description of Crime Scene:
Objects Found at Crime Scene:
Objects Found with Body:
Description of Injuries:
Other descriptors:
Bernardo expressed that he was disappointed that Karla Homolka was not a virgin when they met, so she decided to drug her sister and let him take her virginity as a Christmas present.
Homolka drugged Tammy’s alcoholic beverage with halothane – an anesthetic she had stolen from a veterinarian clinic where she worked. Once Tammy was unconscious, she and Bernardo sexually assaulted and video taped her.
Tammy began vomiting from the drug cocktail and choked to death, leaving a chemical burn on her face.
Before calling an ambulance, Bernardo and Homolka put Tammy’s clothes back on and hide all evidence of the drugging and assault. Bernardo says he had attempted to revive Tammy, but was unable to. Her death was originally ruled accidental due to alcohol consumption.
Medical Condition:
Description of Medical Condition:
Mental Illness:
Description of mental illness:
Description of disability:
First Nations:
Substance addiction:
Sex Worker:

Date of birth:
Date of murder:
Age at death:
Sex: Male
Location of murder:
Relationship to killer:
Original location of interaction with killer:
Cause of death: N/A
Description of crime scene:
Objects found at crime scene:
Objects found with body:
Description of injuries:
Other descriptors:
Leslie Mahaffy, 14, was kidnapped from her backyard in Burlington on June 15, 1991. She had missed curfew and her mother had locked the door to teach her a lesson. Bernardo happened to see her there and offered her a cigarette from his car. When she entered the car, he kidnapped her and took her back to the Port Dalhousie neighbourhood home he shared in St. Catharines with Homolka.
Bernardo and Homolka video tape the rape, sodomizing and torture of Mahaffy, which at one point features Bernardo smiling into the camera as she screams in the background and also shows Homolka sexually assaulting the girl.
Both Bernardo and Homolka blamed the other for Mahaffy’s murder. Bernardo claimed he was out gassing up his car and that Homolka killed Mahaffy with a lethal dose of Halcion. Homolka said that Bernardo strangled Mahaffey with an electrical cord.
Mahaffy’s body was dismembered, encased in concrete and dumped in Lake Gibson.
On June 29, 1992, the same day that Bernardo and Homolka get married, boaters found the concrete blocks containing Mahaffy’s arms, legs, feet, and head. The next day a boater found her torso floating in the water.
Medical Condition: N/A
Description of Medical Condition:
Mental Illness: N/A
Description of mental illness:
Disabled: N/A
Description of disability:
First Nations: N/A
Substance addiction: N/A
Sex Worker: N/A

Date of birth:
Date of murder:
Age at death:
Sex: Male
Location of murder:
Relationship to killer:
Original location of interaction with killer:
Cause of death: N/A
Description of crime scene:
Objects Found at crime scene:
Objects found with body:
Description of injuries:
Other descriptors:
In one sequence, Bernardo could be seen raping a bound French, who was abducted while returning home from school on April 16, 1992, and held for several days. On the tape he can be heard forcing her to say “I love you” over and over to him, even as she cries out in pain. At one point he ordered Homolka to get him a Kleenex. “Get me a couple, Kar,” he said. Then he barked, “Get me a lot. What are you, a f—king idiot? “
At one point, Kristen, who had been repeatedly raped, told Bernardo, “I don’t know how your wife can stand being around you.”
Medical Condition: N/A
Description of Medical Condition:
Mental Illness: N/A
Description of mental illness:
Disabled: N/A
Description of disability:
First Nations: N/A
Substance addiction: N/A
Sex Worker: N/A